Saturday, January 14, 2012

Climbing over snow.

As I wrote yesterday, it was not a good day for drivers. It was quite lovely going for a walk with my guide dog though. Until we got to one intersection. There was a snow bank at the corner created from ploughing the street probably. tulia was unsure. After all, we would have to climb over it to cross the street and a snowbank looks like a barrier in your path. We couldn't get around it without going out into traffic. We haven't had much snow this winter so she stopped and looked at it. I encouraged forward. We did climb it and corss the street. A man had been watching us. He was crossing the street too. When we got across he started to tell me what street I was on. He didn't know. I did so I told him. We walked another block. He was still following us. When we got to the next corner, he again started to tell me where we were. He didn't know the street names. I did so I told them to him again. It happened a third time. And a fourth. And then, we lost him or he turned or we did. He was kind and friendly and I think trying to help and maybe I helped him with street names. The nicely falling snow was beautiful. It is freezing today though it is sunny. Dog boots and dog coat day for sure.

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