Thursday, May 24, 2012

My brilliant guide dog and my own unbrilliance!

I have shown my guide dog how to find a few poles for audible pedestrian signals.  I don't always use them.  This is a button you push and when the light changes, it gives you a signal.  Here where I live the north south lights chirp and the east west lights used to cukoo but now play something called the Canadian melody.  Maybe I shall try to record them and post the audio here for your listening pleasure.  I use them mainly when it is quiet and little traffic and or when traffic is tough to read for some reason.  I don't always know which intersections have them and where the poles are.  The poles can actually be quite far from where I line up to cross a street.  Anyway, yesterday morning, my guide dog pranced up to a pole at a corner.  I thought she was sniffing it and was about to say no.  But, I put my hand out and she wagged her body so hard, and there was an audible button at a corner where I never knew a signal existed.  We were both pretty excited about it I must say.  She got kibble.  I got a good feeling in my heart!   Smile!

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