Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Is Tulia losing her touch?

I have talked about Tulia's abilities to charm people on this
blog before. I have also mentioned about her ability to pick a
table in a coffee shop (one where we have recently sat) and
decides that this is my table and her table and she goes and
stares at the people sitting there asking them to move). She is
masterful at it. I try not to let her get away with it but she
is subtle and good. A wag, a pathetic look in the eyes, a tilt
of her gorgeous shiny black head, and people rise, gather up
their coffee, newspapers, magazines, laptops and leave the table
to us. They move whole meetings to the other side of the store.
But, yesterday, it didn't work. She was trying. From the minute
we entered the shop, she looked at a table where we had sat last
week. As I moved towards another one, she slowed down, and
wagged, twisting her head longingly towards the old table. There
were people there. They continued talking. They did not comment
on her beauty, her cleverness, her puppy dog eyes. They kept on
with their meeting. Tulia walked very slowly, dejectedly,
looking back. I asked her to find me an empty chair. She did it
but not with her usual joy. After we left the shop, I had to get
her to find the audible crossing pole, the bus stop pole, a
building for our meeting, before she truly cheered up again. I
guess we should go to the coffee shop and let her practice her
charming skills just in case she has lost her touch!

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